BodyProfile App
About Support

Welcome to BodyProfile App Support!

To contact us for issues, questions, or suggestions regarding the app, send an email to or use our contact form.


iOS  |  Android

Help / Frequently Asked Questions - Android

The app supports Android 4.1 and higher and is suitable to run on Android compatible devices.

All communications that the app makes over the network with its servers are encrypted using SSL.

Passwords are stored encrypted on our servers.
Known Issues
Resolved issues that are included in a public release are no longer listed here. Always make sure you run the latest version of the app before reporting a possibly new issue. You always get the latest version when you install or update the app from the official store.
Popup Messages
The message "Network error" is displayed with the following circumstances:
  1. Connection timeout -- The connection with the server to send/receive data is taking too long.

  2. Server not responding -- The server is not replying to data requests.

  3. Server error -- The server generated an unforeseen error.

In all these cases verify that you have a good internet connection and try again. Sometimes when you've just switched on mobile data or wi-fi it might take some time before an internet connection can be established. If the problem persists please inform the webmaster.
When the message "Not connected" is displayed, your device has no connection with the internet. Connection to the internet is crucial for functioning of the app. Establish a connection with the internet to continue with the app.