Firstly I would like to thank you for taking the time to find and view my website.

I have been demonstrating athletic ability from an early age and have always been associated with sport. Whether it be tennis, golf or football; if I wasn't sleeping I was out practising to be better. I made progre
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Just had my pre workout MANSHAKE and now I'm off to train. I'll be posting yesterday's leg training session when I'm back... hope you're all having a great weekend so far!

Posted on May 11, 2013 · 1 like
Click Here to Purchase!
Click Here to Purchase!

Here's your chance to purchase a tailored training and nutrition/supplement package.

I promise to give you my undivided support for a total of 8 weeks via facetime, skype etc.

After having an in-depth chat and taking a good look at your body we would determine your weaknesses in an effort to get you in the best shape possible.

Purchase online and complete the detailed questionnaire, returning it to together with your username and contact details.
Posted on May 11, 2013
Posted on May 10, 2013
The back is a huge muscle so noticing gains won't be hard, but shaping your back and adding the desired detail will require pushing yourself to the max!

You will definitely need to mix up your back workouts; from adding weight for size, attacking your lats at all angles for shape, to mixing up your repetitions for a more defined look.

The early parts of this workout enable you to warm up safely in preparation for maximum effort on deadlifts, today’s power movement. The following exercises help to pump blood into the muscle, adding shape to the inner areas of the back whilst stretching out the lats.

To build the ultimate back here are some of the major muscles you need to consider in your workouts...

Rhomboideus Minor & Major
Teres Major & Minor
Latissimus Dorsi
Rear Deltoid

Remember you have to constantly work and attack the back from different and new angles - hence more working sets and reps.

Anyway here’s the workout...

1. Wide Grip Chin Ups.
Whilst fresh do 3 sets as many as possible:
3 sets x 10 reps minimum
3 sets x 20 reps the aim

2. Wide Grip Lat Pull Down.
4 sets in total increasing the weight gradually:
x 15 reps
x 15 reps
x 12 reps
x 10 reps
(Don't drop below 10 reps)

3. Narrow Grip or Parallel Grip Pull Down.
4 sets in total increasing the weight gradually:
x 15 reps
x 15 reps
x 12 reps
x 10 reps
(Don't drop below 10 reps)

4. Narrow Grip Cable Row.
4 sets superset with single arm heavy cable bent over row:
x 15 reps followed immediately by:
x 8 each arm

5. Deadlifts.
5 sets in total, increasing the weight gradually:
x 12 reps
x 10 reps
x 8 reps
x 6 reps
Finish with a drop set of 20 reps on your last working set.

6. Under Hand Narrow Grip Lat Pull Down.
4 sets of x 15 reps.
Superset with Rope Lat Pull Down.
4 sets of x 15 reps.

7. Barbell Shrugs.
4 sets of x 10 reps HEAVY
Increase the weight each time, aiming for double your body weight.

8. Dumbell Shrugs.
Carefully pick a suitable weight as these are high volume:
x 40 reps ...dropset
x 30 reps ...dropset
x 20 reps ...FINISH.
Posted on May 9, 2013 · 4 comments
Here's the first installment of my 3D chest sessions...

1. Incline Pec Deck.

4 supersets in total:
x 15 reps
x 12 reps
x 10 reps
x 8 FULL STACK to failure *aim*
Superset each set with flat pec deck x15 reps (medium weight)

2. Incline Barbell Press.

5 supersets increasing weight each set for strength and size in upper chest:
x 15 reps
x 12 reps
x 10 reps
x 8 reps
x 6 reps
Superset each set with REVERSE GRIP incline dumbbell press x12 reps.

3. Cable Crossover.

4 supersets in total:
x 15 cable crossovers
x 12 DEEP & WIDE incline flyes.

4. Flat bench.

5 sets x 10
*Limited rest period* work for 30 seconds, rest for 30 (like speed interval training).


A total of 7 exercises that focuses on stretching your muscle fibres to produce a thicker, wider and ultimately stronger chest. The workout prioritises flye movements to thicken your chest, as opposed to a session of just pressing. Many people neglect the inner chest as their too obsessed on "how much you benching BRO?"

The first press movement is incline as it builds a deeper shape to your upper chest, and ultimately is much harder/productive than flat bench. The addition of REVERSE incline flyes really helps stretch the muscle fibres.

The seventh and final movement, flat bench will be performed at your most fatigued. By doing this you will be performing the strongest chest angle at your weakest point, think of this like a pre-exhaust. At the end of week 5/6 when you change up your routine start with flat bench and notice how easy it feels!
Posted on May 7, 2013 · 2 comments
The MANSHAKE is a quick and easy way to get some added calories in your body so can be consumed nice and early as breakfast, a few hours before you train or even post workout....

2 scoops whey protein, I've chosen Maximuscle cyclone as it has added creatine content

3 RAW EGGS! The process of cooking eggs destroy the very goodness that our bodies so desperately need as the nature of proteins and fats is altered when exposed to heat. When cooked, the egg protein changes its chemical shape; it is often this process that can be the cause of allergies. Generally when eating raw eggs, any incidence of egg allergy will disappear. Surprisingly, in spite of ‘bad press’ raw eggs, organic or at least from a known source of healthy free-range chickens, are an excellent health tonic. The regular consumption of raw eggs will do wonders for your overall health. Exceptionally easy to digest, raw eggs provide a wonderful boost to the immune system, and a completely balanced nutritional package. A good immune system is one of several things the body needs to overcome cancer.
Many people’s diets are deficient in high quality proteins and fats, and eggs are one the very best sources of these. Raw eggs have many benefits, they contain essential nutrients for the brain, nerves, glands and hormones, they are nutritionally balanced, and we highly recommend the addition of raw eggs to your nutritional programme. The sulphur amino acids help to keep you young, raw eggs also contain an abundance of other vital substances including protein, essential fatty acids along with niacin, riboflavin, biotin, choline, vitamins A, D and E, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, iron, iodine, copper, zinc and sulphur. Egg yolks are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D.

A handful off sesame seeds, Not only are sesame seeds a very good source of manganese and copper, but they are also a good source of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc and dietary fiber. In addition to these important nutrients, sesame seeds contain two unique substances: sesamin and sesamolin. Both of these substances belong to a group of special beneficial fibers called lignans, and have been shown to have a cholesterol-lowering effect in humans, and to prevent high blood pressure and increase vitamin E supplies in animals. Sesamin has also been found to protect the liver from oxidative damage.

Some chopped strawberries as they are an excellent source of minerals and vitamins that are important to boost the immune system. Some of the vitamins that people can get from this fruit are vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B6 and vitamin K. Aside from these, strawberry is also rich in manganese, dietary fiber as well as iodine. If you need potassium and folate, you can get these from eating strawberries. If you want to eliminate the harmful toxins in your blood, one of the best things to do is to eat strawberries because these have antioxidants that are important to combat free radicals. Eliminating free radicals is important to prevent the development of cancer cells. Aside from having anti-aging properties, people can also benefit from strawberries since these have properties that can improve brain health and slow down ageing.

A dash of honey, to help aid taste. A much healthier choice than over-processed, factory-made table sugar table sugar and artificial sweeteners which do not have any vitamins or whatsoever nutrients, this natural liquid from the honey bees contains many vitamins like B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and certain amino acids and minerals including calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. Honey has a healthy Glycemic Index (GI), meaning that its sugars can be gradually absorbed into the bloodstream to result in better digestion. Eating excessive high-glycemic foods prompts an elevated insulin release in our body as a result of the pancreas being stimulated to metabolize the sudden surge of glucose into the blood. It builds your immunity against sicknesses!: Honey contains natural antioxidant properties that can destroy biologically destructive chemical agents which have been linked to many diseases such as cancer. Not only could honey's antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals in the body, they are also part of the nutrient supply for growth of new tissue. Because of this, for centuries, honey has been used all over the world in different cultures as a natural cure for many ailments, and traditionally as an effective home remedy. it helps alos to boost your wnergy levels this perhaps is the most common reply kids get from their parents when they ask "why is honey good for you?" A great natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy to our bodies, honey is known for its effectiveness in instantly boosting the performance, endurance and reduce muscle fatigue of athletes. Its natural fruit sugars, fructose and glucose plays an important role in preventing fatigue during exercise and are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream digested by the body. Also, honey is free of cholesterol and it has been reported that adding small amounts of it in the daily diet could even help keep cholesterol levels in check.

A selection of nuts, I opt to use Almonds, For many years, nuts have gotten a bad rap for being high in fat. But in reality, nuts should be a vital part of our diet, as they are high in monounsaturated fats that help keep us heart-healthy and disease-free. Healthy nuts are also great sources of protein, minerals and other life-enhancing nutrients. Scientific studies now show that different types of nuts and seeds may support factors that help prevent heart disease, weight gain and the accumulation of LDL cholesterol.
All nuts should be organic, eaten in their raw state, and not irradiated or roasted.

Mix together with some MILK as milk is a great source of Calcium, and calcium is the building block of our bones and thus, prevents a disease common in old age known as Osteoporosis. It is also essential for other functions such as nerve transmission, muscle contraction and blood clotting. Potassium regulates our blood pressure. It is also needed for muscle contraction.
Milk is an excellent source of protein, containing all 9 amino acids which are required to meet our physiological needs.

Vitamins A,B-12,D

Vitamin A helps maintain a good eyesight and smooth skin. It also controls cell growth and the proper functioning of our immune system.

Vitamin B-12 is essential for our nervous system. It is also involved in blood formation.

Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and bone formation.

Phosphorus and riboflavin help in the "production of energy" in the body's cell. They also help in our bone formation.
Niacin keeps enzymes functioning normally and helps the body process sugars and fats. It is also important for the development of the nervous system,Drinking a glass of milk at breakfast and before bedtime prevents unhealthy snacking and the cravings of food Milk decreases risk of diabetes it may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes in middle-aged or older women. Milk decreases heart disease, Skim milk low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Get it in in your shaker and blend away! Quick, easy and tastes great... Any thoughts and opinions feel free to let me know.
Posted on May 7, 2013
The most popular fitness related question I always get asked is "what's your diet like?", in this week's blog I'll begin to give you a quick insight into the sorts of foods I eat day to day...

Those that know me will probably have heard me say at some point; "LIFT BIG/EAT BIG TO GET BIG". I definitely love my food!

One of the most common problems I hear when people ask my advice has got to be under eating, or overemphasising protein. Protein should definitely be the foundation of a good meal but not the only consideration.

Everyone is different but I personally place as much importance on carbs/fats as I do protein. Keep in mind carb needs vary from person to person but as my activity levels are high I need the slow energy they provide to get me through my training. I typically train with higher volume and heavy weights so muscle glycogen is key. Without the proper nutrition how could I expect myself to perform at my best in the gym and on the pitch? Another way to look at it is how could you expect a F1 car to win races without the proper fuel? Building muscle naturally is a slow and hard process so you MUST ensure you put your body in the most anabolic state possible, especially PRE and POST workout!

Depending on your goals (muscle gain or fat loss) nutrition timing of these carbs is key, but I'll cover this more another day.

Anyway without giving away my actual diet here's some foods I typically base my diet around:

Baked potatoes
Sweet potatoes
Old-fashioned porridge
Wholemeal tortilla wraps
Wholemeal English muffins
Wholemeal Pita
Wholemeal buns/rolls
Wholemeal/wheat spaghetti/Pasta
Rice Cakes
Wholemeal Bagels
Weetabix, Bran Flakes, Shredded Wheat or other Whole-grain Cereal
Wholegrain Rice
Brown basmati Rice

Green beans
Any and all!!

Canned tuna
Wild Salmon Fillets
Skinless chicken
Turkey breasts
Lean Beef mince
Turkey mince
Low fat cottage cheese

Natural Peanut Butter
Almond butter
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Coconut oil
Whole eggs
Mixed Nuts, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Peanuts etc.


Next time I'll go into some of the supplements I use to maximise results and aid recovery....
Posted on May 6, 2013 · 1 like · 3 comments
Posted on May 4, 2013
Posted on May 3, 2013 · 1 like
Posted on May 3, 2013 · 1 like
Stuart Tomlinson joined BodyProfile on April 8, 2013.
End of results.