Back Attack!
The back is a huge muscle so noticing gains won't be hard, but shaping your back and adding the desired detail will require pushing yourself to the max!

You will definitely need to mix up your back workouts; from adding weight for size, attacking your lats at all angles for shape, to mixing up your repetitions for a more defined look.

The early parts of this workout enable you to warm up safely in preparation for maximum effort on deadlifts, today’s power movement. The following exercises help to pump blood into the muscle, adding shape to the inner areas of the back whilst stretching out the lats.

To build the ultimate back here are some of the major muscles you need to consider in your workouts...

Rhomboideus Minor & Major
Teres Major & Minor
Latissimus Dorsi
Rear Deltoid

Remember you have to constantly work and attack the back from different and new angles - hence more working sets and reps.

Anyway here’s the workout...

1. Wide Grip Chin Ups.
Whilst fresh do 3 sets as many as possible:
3 sets x 10 reps minimum
3 sets x 20 reps the aim

2. Wide Grip Lat Pull Down.
4 sets in total increasing the weight gradually:
x 15 reps
x 15 reps
x 12 reps
x 10 reps
(Don't drop below 10 reps)

3. Narrow Grip or Parallel Grip Pull Down.
4 sets in total increasing the weight gradually:
x 15 reps
x 15 reps
x 12 reps
x 10 reps
(Don't drop below 10 reps)

4. Narrow Grip Cable Row.
4 sets superset with single arm heavy cable bent over row:
x 15 reps followed immediately by:
x 8 each arm

5. Deadlifts.
5 sets in total, increasing the weight gradually:
x 12 reps
x 10 reps
x 8 reps
x 6 reps
Finish with a drop set of 20 reps on your last working set.

6. Under Hand Narrow Grip Lat Pull Down.
4 sets of x 15 reps.
Superset with Rope Lat Pull Down.
4 sets of x 15 reps.

7. Barbell Shrugs.
4 sets of x 10 reps HEAVY
Increase the weight each time, aiming for double your body weight.

8. Dumbell Shrugs.
Carefully pick a suitable weight as these are high volume:
x 40 reps ...dropset
x 30 reps ...dropset
x 20 reps ...FINISH.
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Published on May 9, 2013