Shoulders Workout

1. Seated Front Barbell Press.
5 sets in total, gradually increasing the weight:
x 20 reps as a warm up
x 15 reps
x 12 reps
x 10 reps
x 8 reps

2. Rear Delt Flyes (Bent over or on an incline bench).
4 sets of x 15 reps
Superset with Behind The Neck Press
4 sets of x 15 reps

3. Side Lateral Raises.
4 x 10 reps heavy then
4x 15 reps light
To improve overall shoulder width you really need to focus on improving at these. If it doesn't burn then you need to do more! Make sure you raise your elbows above 90degrees MINIMUM.

4. Seated Dumbell Press. (Full rep then Half rep)
4 x 10 reps
Here we will be alternating between full reps and half reps making sure to touch the top of the delt with the dumbell on each rep. This technique helps to keep the shoulder under tension for a longer period without your triceps fatiguing. The set will feel like 20 repetitions BUT helpts to eliminates bad from.

5. Upright Row.
Wide grip superset with narrow grip:
4 x 15 reps wide grip
4 x 15 reps narrow grip

6. Front Raises (Double Handed)
10kg/15kg/20kg weight:
4 x 10 reps
Notes on form:
Raise to half way, pause, then continue to above head = 1 rep. Again this will feel like 20 repetitions!

Most pressing movements require a strong front deltoid that's why I choose to finish with front raises when the muscle is already fatigued. It will train the muscle to be stronger.
The start of the session concentrates on a power movement to help build the foundations of size & strength, the rest of the workout is more of a shaping and conditioning circuit. The lateral raises are something I try to concentrate on to build a fuller shoulder. Also keep in mind your rear deltoid is a small muscle similar to your calf, it needs to be overtrained to improve.
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Published on May 15, 2013