TEMPO in training
What is TEMPO and why is it important?

Tempo is written in four numbers representing the times in which it should take to complete the lift.

For example: Bar Squats - 3 sets, 12 reps


The first number refers to the lowering (eccentric) phase of the lift.

The second number refers to the amount of time spent in the bottom position of the lift.

The third number refers to ascending (concentric) phase of the lift – the amount of time it takes you to get to the top of the lift.

The fourth number refers to how long you should pause at the top of the lift.

When you take your time or change up the tempo it allows you to really focus on the exercise at hand and will improve the quality of your training along with reduced risk of injury and strength gains.
The tempo changes allows for training variety and stimulus with muscles being overloaded in certain areas, greater time under tension and the pauses at top or bottom will recruit more muscle fiber creating strength gains.
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Published on January 14, 2014