Yesterday I joined my buddy & team mate Bryn Ray for a leg workout! We followed Bryn's new split and it was great doing exercises I don't particularly use on a regular basis! Give it a try and let us know your thoughts!

1) Parallel Squat
12x60kg (warm up)

2) Rear Hack Squat
10 x 60kg
10 x 60kg
10 x 60kg

3) Front Squat
12 x 80kg
16 x 80kg

4) Superset Good Mornings & Lunge
Bar x 12 | 30kg x 10
35kg x 12 | 30kg x 10
35kg x 12 | 30kg x 10

5) SDL
75kg x 12
75kg x 12
75kg x 12
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Published on January 16, 2014